Sunday, November 1, 2009


I chose six different feeds to include on my RSS reader.

1. Educational Technology by Ray Schroeder, University of Illinois at Springfield--It includes, "news, techniques, and theories of effective use of technology in education."
I thought that I could always use ideas about new technology and how to use it in the classroom.

2. NPR Topics: Education--It includes, "NPR news and commentary on education, schools, colleges and universities, and emerging trends in learning."
I thought that NPR would have a different perspective than what I usually get on education and should have some relevant content.

3. Free Technology for Teachers--It includes, "a review of free technology resources and how teachers can use them; Ideas for technology integration in education."
I can never have too many ideas and resources. The fact that they are free is just an added bonus.

4. Hoagies Gifted Education Page--"the all things gifted resource"
I like to see what is new in gifted education just in case I can adapt it to some of my students. Gifted educators often think outside the box more than regular educators.

5. Learning Now--" is a weblog that explores how new technology and Internet culture affect how educators teach and children learn. It will offer a continuing look at how new technology such as wikis, blogs, vlogs, RSS, podcasts, social networking sites, and the always-on culture of the Internet are impacting teacher and students' lives both inside and out of the classroom."
This site looked wonderful. Unfortunately there have been no posts in almost a year. Since I am an optimist, I went ahead and chose it just in case.

6. edublogger--Sue Waters talks "about emerging technologies on edublogs."
I went ahead and added this last site just in case Learning Now never posts again. I think that I can learn a lot of useful information from Sue Waters as well as from the links that she posts.

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